Coffee Enemas – All you need to know

gut health Feb 01, 2020
Coffee Enemas – All you need to know

Why in the world would someone use coffee in an enema?
That is the question I asked when my health practitioner suggested I do them. Yet once I got over my initial resistance, I quickly saw the benefits of coffee enemas.  They are most helpful for many types of conditions, especially during a detox. The procedure is inexpensive and can easily be done at home with very little equipment*.

What is an Enema?
Enemas are an ancient form of hydrotherapy and are used to mechanically cleanse the colon. 

What are the benefits of a Coffee Enema?

  • TOXIN ELIMINATION –  Enhance elimination of toxins via the liver through the colon. 
  • INCREASED BILE FLOW – This alkalises the small intestine and promotes improved digestion. Contained in the bile is heavy metals, toxins and excess cholesterol, taking a coffee enema helps to clear some of the backlog of toxins in our system.
  • CLEANSING – Coffee also acts as an astringent in the large intestine, helping clean the colon walls. 
  • STIMULATES LIVER – Coffee enemas are particularly helpful for slow oxidizers. Their liver activity is more sluggish and digestion is usually impaired. Fast oxidizers may have more difficulty retaining the enema.

How often should I get a Coffee Enema?
I usually suggest one enema per day to assist a detoxification programme (ensure you are taking fresh green juices to maintain electrolyte balance). For best results, a program of coffee enemas should be carried on for at least a month.  They should not be required long term*.
* please consult with a trained therapist before undertaking a coffee enema regime
What is the best time to take a Coffee Enema?

The best time to take the enema is after a normal movement ideally in the morning. A word of caution though: Coffee enemas taken in the evening may interfere with sleep.

Are there any Side Effects from a Coffee Enema?
If performed properly, coffee enemas do not cause habituation, constipation or any rectal problems.  Difficulties occasionally arise if one has haemorrhoids. In these cases, extra care is needed in inserting the enema tip.  A small number of people are unable to retain even a cup of water for the required 15 minutes. One can start with less coffee or less water in these cases. There seems to be no harm if one wishes to retain the enema longer than 15 minutes. While enemas may seem uncomfortable, many clients report the procedure is so helpful they soon forget the inconvenience.

Please find a suitably qualified therapist before embarking on a series of enemas

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