4 signs you need to cleanse your colon

gut health Jan 01, 2020
When waste is not effectively eliminated out of your body on a regular basis, toxicity can occur. This can lead to a variety of health problems. 
Listed below are 4 of the most common warning signs and symptoms of an unhealthy and backed-up colon.

1. Constipation
Today we often indulge in bad diets, are dealing with too much stress and live lives filled with toxic substances – and all of these can cause the colon to try and protect itself by producing more mucus. This mucus binds with the sludge from refined foods, such as white flour, and eventually builds up on the bowel walls, which narrows the space available to push the fecal matter out. A good colon cleanse can help to flush out extraneous matter, and help to restore enough room for fecal matter to be effectively eliminated and relieve your constipation. 



2. You Smell
Bad breath, body odour and abdominal gas all occur when your colon releases toxic gas into the body. Indigestion and bloating can happen when yeast ferments the foods in the intestines, producing gas. This may lead to gastritis, which is when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Gastritis causes both pain and flatulence.



3. Bad Skin 
A blocked colon is similar to an overflowing septic tank that spreads poison all over the body. Your skin needs to breathe, and when toxins are overwhelming your pores, it is unable to do this.People often find their skin is the first thing they notice to clear up after a colonic treatment. 


4. Constantly Tired & Fatigue
Poisons from the leftover residue in your colon circulate via the blood system to all parts of the body, causing you to feel weak, tired and exhausted. The colon is not designed to be a holding tank for toxins and faecal matter. Storing this goes hand in hand with fatigue.

So if you’re suffering from some, if not all, of the above symptoms – it may be time to consider a colonic!

If you have any other questions or want to book a colon cleanse, simply pop us an email at [email protected] or call us on 086 3844316

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